Objectives: Objective of the study were 1) to determine the course, includi
ng specific relationship to the vermilion border, free margin of the lip, a
nd orbicularis oris and number of the superior and inferior labial arteries
, and 2) to discuss the relevance of this anatomy to design of the Abbe fla
p. Study Design: Detailed anatomical dissections of the mid and lower face
of injected cadaver heads. Methods: Sixteen superior labial arteries and 15
inferior labial arteries in 9 adult cadaver heads ranging in age from 41 t
o g0 years were studied. Results: The superior labial artery was a single v
essel in all cases. At the oral commissure the vessel was superior to the v
ermilion border in 94% of the dissections. At the midline the vessel was wi
thin the vermilion border in 75% of dissections. The vessel was found withi
n the orbicularis oris in 19% of dissections and between the mucosa and the
orbicularis oris in 81% of dissections. The inferior labial artery was a s
ingle vessel in all dissections. Its course was variable in position relati
ve to the vermilion border and to its take-off from the facial artery. In t
he central portion of the lip the vessel was found within the orbicularis o
ris in 13% of dissections and between the mucosa and the orbicularis oris i
n 87% of dissections. Conclusions: The superior labial artery is found with
in 10 mm of the free margin of the upper lip. The inferior labial, artery i
s variable in its course, varying up to 15 mm from the free margin of the l
ower lip.