Hepatic graft rejection is a common complication after liver transplantatio
n (LT), with a maximum incidence within the first weeks, The identification
of high-risk patients for early acute rejection (EAR) might be useful for
clinicians. A series of 133 liver graft recipients treated with calcineurin
inhibitors was retrospectively assessed to identify predisposing factors f
or EAR and develop a mathematica model to predict the individual risk of ea
ch patient. The incidence of EAR (less than or equal to 45 days after LT) w
as 35.3%. Multivariate analysis showed that recipient age, underlying liver
disease, and Child's cf ass before LT were independently associated with t
he development of EAR. Combining these 3 variables, the following risk scor
e for the development of EAR was obtained: EAR score EF(x)] = 2.44 + (1.14
x hepatitis C virus cirrhosis) + (2.78 x immunologic cirrhosis) + (2.51 x m
etabolic cirrhosis) (0.08 x recipient age in years) + (1.65 x Child's class
). Risk for rejection = e(F(x))/1 + e(F(x)). The combination of age, cause
of liver disease, and Child's class may allow us to predict the risk for EA