Two long repeats, MS3 and MS4, are predominantly located in sex-chromosomal
heterochromatin in common vole species [1]. Their tandem arrangement was r
evealed by means of the PCR analysis of genomic DNAs of four Microtus speci
es and by restriction mapping of clones selected from a M. rossiaemeridiona
lis genomic library. Several mobile elements proved to be incorporated in a
monomeric unit of each repeat and amplified together with its other compon
ents. In addition, LINE inserts were found in MS4 tandem arrays. The copy n
umber of both repeats per haploid genome was estimated at 100-300 for euchr
omatin and 20,000-40,000 for the M. rossiaemeridionalis genome. The repeats
were assumed to be the major component of sex-chromosomal heterochromatin