We consider the problem of scheduling jobs on-line on batch processing mach
ines with dynamic job arrivals to minimize makespan. A batch processing mac
hine can handle up to B jobs simultaneously. The jobs that are processed to
gether form a batch, and all jobs in a batch start and complete at the same
time. The processing time of a batch is given by the longest processing ti
me of any job in the batch. Each job becomes available at its arrival time,
which is unknown in advance, and its processing time becomes known upon it
s arrival. In the first part of this paper, we address the single batch pro
cessing machine scheduling problem. First we deal with two variants: the un
bounded model where B is sufficiently large and the bounded model where job
s have two distinct arrival times. For both variants, we provide on-line al
gorithms with worst-case ratio (root5 + 1)/2 (the inverse of the Golden rat
io) and prove that these results are the best possible. Furthermore, we gen
eralize our algorithms to the general case and show a worst-case ratio of 2
. We then consider the unbounded case for parallel batch processing machine
scheduling. Lower bounds are given, and two on-line algorithms are present
ed. (C) 2001 John Wiley B Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 241-258,