Leaves covered with epiphyllous liverworts and lichens were sampled at six
localities in Ecuador, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico and screened with the moi
st chamber method for the presence of myxomycetes. Eleven species of myxomy
cetes were recovered, with Arcyria afroalpina as a new record for the Neotr
opics. Three species (Arcyria cinerea. Didymium iridis and D. squamulosum)
were recorded with a high frequency (between 59 and 66%) in the moist chamb
er cultures. Evidence is presented that these three species may occur regul
arly on epiphyll-covered leaf surfaces as populations of myxoamoebae. Unusu
al small numbers of sporocarps found in the cultures, along with the occurr
ence of atypically small sporocarps suggest a microhabitat poor in nutrient
s. Lowland rain forests with a high annual rainfall seem to provide the bes
t conditions for the growth of epiphyllous myxomycetes. With the plasmodial
slime moulds, the study presented herein adds a new group of organisms to
the community of epiphyllous cryptogams.