Apoptosis and necrosis, two morphologically distinct forms of cell dea
th, can be induced by common stimuli depending on the doses and the ce
ll type, This study compares the protective effect of oncoprotein Bcl-
2 and of the small stress protein Hsp27 on these two types of cell dea
th, We use rat embryo fibroblasts conditionally immortalized by the ts
A58 mutant of SV40 large T antigen as parental cells to develop cell l
ines carrying inducible bcl-2 or hsp27 genes. Two apoptotic stimuli we
re used: shift to the restrictive temperature that induced p53-mediate
d apoptosis and treatment with low doses of hydrogen peroxide, Necrosi
s was induced by high doses of hydrogen peroxide. Although Bcl-2 and H
sp27 protect these cells from necrotic death, only Bcl-2 appears capab
le of preventing apoptotic death, Bcl-2 protection is not mediated by
a negative effect on the induction of the p53 responsive genes bax or
waf1 but it slows down at least two stages of apoptosis: decrease of m
itochondrial membrane potential and subsequent morphological changes,
In contrast, although Hsp27 has been recently shown to inhibit apoptos
is induced by various stimuli, its overexpression has no effect on apo
ptosis in this cell system. It should be also noticed that the apoptot
ic stimuli (temperature shift or hydrogen peroxide treatment) induce H
sp27, but not Bcl-2 accumulation suggesting that, in parental cells, H
sp27 might already provide some protection, However, taken together th
ese results suggest that Hsp27, as well as Bcl-2, acts at several leve
ls to inhibit cell death, but that their protective functions only par
tially overlap.