In a two-dimensional display, identical visual targets moving toward and ac
ross each other with equal, constant speed can be perceived either to rever
se their motion directions at the coincidence point (bouncing percept) or t
o stream through one another (streaming percept). Although there is a stron
g tendency to perceive the streaming percept, various factors have been rep
orted to induce the bouncing percept, such as a sound or a visual flash at
the moment of the visual target coincidence. By changing duration of the po
stcoincidence trajectory (PCT), we investigated how long it would take for
such bounce-inducing factors to be maximally effective after the visual coi
ncidence. With bounce-inducing factors, the percentage of the bouncing perc
ept did not reach its maximal level immediately after the coincidence but i
ncreased as a function of PCT duration up to 150-200 msec. The results clea
rly reject the possibility of the cognitive-bias hypothesis about the bounc
e-inducing effect and suggest rather that the bounce-inducing factors have
to interact with the PCT for some period after the coincidence to be maxima
lly effective.