The heterogeneity of grain-orientation-dependent residual stress (ODRS) in
polycrystalline materials has received a great deal of attention in the pas
t few years. This letter describes a novel method, called the spherical har
monics approach (SHA), for analysing ODRS. The stress orientation distribut
ion function (SODF) is defined to describe quantitatively the mean field of
the residual stress as a function of grain orientation in the Euler space.
This stress field can be expanded in terms of generalized spherical harmon
ics, and its series coefficients can be determined directly from lattice st
rain maps (strain pole figures). While solving the deconvolution problem of
this stress field, the stress or strain equilibrium between neighbouring g
rains is considered simultaneously by implementing a self-consistent model
in the iterative algorithm. The application of the SHA is illustrated by th
e construction of the SODF for a cold-rolled and annealed austenite stainle
ss steel, using strain pole figures obtained by neutron diffraction.