Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Sandford's The Authoritarian Person
ality is probably the most deeply flawed work of prominence on political ps
ychology. The methodological, procedural, and substantive errors of this st
udy are well known, but they are frequently simply attributed to poor metho
dological judgements, issues of scaling (such as response set), or Freudian
theories that legitimated circular interpretations. But a more fundamental
bias arose from the attempt to empirically verify the existence of a "type
" of person whom the researchers thought dangerous and with whom they did n
ot empathize. This attempt involved two dangerous procedures: (1) the fusio
n of nominalist research procedures (in which empirical results were used t
o type respondents) with a realist interpretation of types (in which some p
eople "just were" authoritarians. These subtler problems have haunted conte
mporary work in political psychology that avoids the methodological problem
s of Adorno et al.; Altemeyer's work on authoritarianism, which not only is
free from the defects of the Adorno et al. study but also involves some me
thodologically exemplary experiments, is similarly distorted by asymmetries
. The Authoritarian Personality as a cautionary example of bias arising fro
m the choice of methodological assumptions.