Possible differences between men acid women in age-related patterns of hypo
thalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis response to challenge were examined t
o test the hypothesis that women show greater age-related increase in HPA a
xis reactivity to challenge. Twenty-six younger subjects, 9 men and 17 wome
n, ages 22-26 and 14 older subjects, 7 men and 7 women, ages 67-88 particip
ated in the study. Patterns of change in salivary "free" cortisol were meas
ured in response to a standardized, 30-minute cognitive challenge, administ
ered individually to each subject beginning at 1600 h, Consistent with prev
ious research, there was a significant main effect for age with respect to
baseline cortisol: older age was associated with higher baseline cortisol (
P = <0 .001). Results also provide support for the hypothesized age-by-gend
er interaction with respect to patterns of response to challenge. There was
a significant interaction with respect to maximum percentage increase over
baseline (P<0.002): among younger adults, the men exhibited greater increa
ses whereas among the older adults, the women exhibited greater increases.
A similar, though only marginally significant pattern was seen for total ar
ea under the response curve (P=0.07). Repeated measures ANOVA confirmed the
gender-by-age differences in the patterns of response (P=0.01 for time*age
*gender interaction). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.