Objectives A program called the Project on Research and Intervention in Mon
otonous Work (PRIM) was initiated in 1994 as a prospective cohort study of
work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The group-based exposure assessment
strategy, focusing on task-related exposure and used to obtain baseline me
asures of physical exposures, is reported in this paper.
Methods Monotonous, repetitive worktasks were evaluated at 19 factories. Ta
sks with an estimated similarity in physical exposure were aggregated befor
e 103 exposure groups were formed. Subjects from the exposure groups were r
andomly sampled for measurements, and task-related exposure levels were qua
ntified by 43 single exposure items using a real-time video-based observati
on method that allowed computerized estimates of repetitiveness, body postu
res, force, and velocity. In combination with questionnaire-based data on t
ask distribution, the duration of exposure was calculated at the individual
Results The video-based observational method and the large number of exposu
re variables enabled the establishment of detailed quantitative exposure pr
ofiles in 103 task-based exposure groups. However, methodological problems
associated with the use of grouped exposure assessment were revealed. Despi
te efforts to optimize group homogeneity, the within-group variance was lar
ger than the between-group variance for several shoulder postural variables
Conclusions A task-based exposure-assessment strategy can be successful in
solving some of the main problems associated with the assessment of physica
l workplace exposures. The large within-group variance in exposure to nonne
utral shoulder postures may eventually require individual assessment or the
inclusion of groups with maximal contrast in exposure or both.