Objectives This study tested the reliability and validity of industry- and
mill-level expert methods for measuring psychosocial work conditions in Bri
tish Columbia sawmills using the demand-control model.
Methods In the industry-level method 4 sawmill job evaluators estimated psy
chosocial work conditions at a generic sawmill. In the mill-level method pa
nels of experienced sawmill workers estimated psychosocial work conditions
at 3 sawmills. Scores for psychosocial work conditions were developed using
both expert methods and applied to job titles in a sawmill worker database
containing self-reported health status and heart disease. The interrater r
eliability and the concurrent and predictive validity of the expert rater m
ethods were assessed.
Results The interrater reliability and concurrent reliability were higher f
or the mill-level method than for the industry-level method. For all the ps
ychosocial variables the reliability for the mill-level method was greater
than 0.90. The predictive validity results were inconclusive.
Conclusions The greater reliability and concurrent validity of the mill-lev
el method indicates that panels of experienced workers should be considered
as potential experts in future studies measuring psychosocial work conditi