The role of cell volume in regulating cell fusion was investigated by in vi
tro fertilization to elucidate mechanisms involved in double fertilization.
The results revealed that in our model gamete fusion was more efficient th
an the fusion of somatic cells under the same conditions. The fusion of sel
ected mesophyll protoplasts of different sizes and their fusion with chloro
plasts demonstrated that cell volume ratio played a role in this process: a
s the ratio increased, fusion was more efficient and faster. When one of th
e cells was as small as a sperm, the formation of a round fusion product wa
s faster. This might explain why gamete fusion was highly efficient in all
in vitro germ cell fusion systems. This finding may also explain why sperm
evolved as small cells. The results reported here will be useful for interp
reting and evaluating data of in vitro fertilization experiments and for di
stinguishing gamete-specific characters.