We used fluorescence in situ hybridization to identify and map the position
of B chromosomes (supernumerary chromosomes) within maize sperm cells. Obs
ervations on over 1,000 sperm cells from several genotypes show that, on av
erage, the B chromosomes are positioned in the tip one-fourth of the sperm
nucleus two-thirds of the time. In contrast, the centromeres and knobs of t
he A chromosomes (the normal set) are not restricted to the tip portion of
the nucleus. To our knowledge, this is the first example of specific chromo
some positioning within a plant gamete. Studies on nuclear architecture of
somatic cells in both plants and animals suggest that chromosome behavior a
nd gene expression may correlate with chromosome position within the nucleu
s. The functional significance of nonrandom positioning of the B chromosome
s within maize sperm is as yet unclear.