Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is a completely sterile plant, propagated only v
egetatively. The aim of this research was to study the sequence of morpholo
gical processes occurring during floral initiation and development of a num
ber of bolting garlic accessions from the Allium gene bank in Israel by usi
ng SEM. The garlic inflorescence is an umbel-like flower arrangement, the b
ranches (flower clusters) of which arise from a common meristem. The numero
us flowers have a distinct morphology typical of the genus Allium. Flower-s
talk elongation precedes the swelling of the apical meristem and its subdiv
ision into several centers of floral development. Within clusters, floral p
rimordia develop unevenly. Differentiation of topsets begins after floral d
ifferentiation on the peripheral part of the apical surface, and their size
, number and rate of development vary among genotypes. At least four morpho
logical types differing in flower/topset ratio were distinguished among the
12 clones studied in this investigation. For further studies of flowering
physiology and fertility restoration, only clones which can differentiate t
he greatest proportion of normal flowers and the least of topsets in the ap
ical meristem should be selected.