We give three formulae for meromorphic eigenfunctions (scattering star
es) of Sutherland's integrable N-body Schrodinger operators and their
generalizations. The first is an explicit computation of the Etingof-K
irillov traces of intertwining operators, the second an integral repre
sentation of hypergeometric type, and the third is a formula of Bethe
ansatz type. The last two formulas are degenerations of elliptic formu
las obtained previously in connection with the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov-
Bernard equation. The Bethe ansatz formulas in the elliptic case are r
eviewed and discussed in more detail here: Eigenfunctions are parametr
ized by a 'Hermite-Bethe' variety, a generalization of the spectral va
riety of the Lame operator, We also give the q-deformed version of our
first formula. In the scalar sin case, this gives common eigenfunctio
ns of the commuting Macdonald-Ruijsenaars difference operators.