OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ease, completeness
, and clinical utility of double-contrast barium enema (DCBE) performed imm
ediately after incomplete colonoscopy.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS, During a 30-month period, a prospective study was per
formed in 103 patients (79 women, 24 men) to determine the ease and complet
eness of DCBE immediately after failed colonoscopy and any additional usefu
l information provided by the enema. The ease with which DCBE was performed
was graded from 1 (easy) to 10 (difficult).
RESULTS. DCBE revealed the entire colon in 97 patients (94%). Incomplete DC
BE was a result of obstruction and incontinence in three patients each. The
mean score for ease of performing DCBE was 5.0. In 14 patients (14%). sign
ificant additional diagnostic information was provided by the immediate DCB
E. In eight patients. abnormalities were identified on DCBE that had not be
en seen at colonoscopy (five malignant neoplasms, one diverticular mass. tw
o extrinsic masses. and multiple strictures). In four patients, a suspected
colonoscopic abnormality was excluded with DCBE findings; and in two patie
nts, a colonoscopic abnormality was further characterized with DCBE.
CONCLUSION. Immediate DCBE after incomplete colonoscopy allows complete col
onic evaluation in most casts, often adds vital diagnostic information, and
eliminates repeated bowel preparation and unnecessary delay in diagnosis.