OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to assess the rate of abnormal ra
diographic findings in the most frequent osteoarticular locations of trauma
tic injury in a pediatric population.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS. During two periods of 12 weeks each, all patients adm
itted to the pediatric emergency department for osteoarticular trauma who u
nderwent radiography were prospectively included in this study. A connectio
n was drawn between the rate of abnormal radiographic findings for the seve
n most frequently radiographed locations and the clinical findings.
RESULTS. Of 3128 locations of trauma in 2470 children, only 22% of the radi
ographic examinations were considered to reveal abnormal findings. In decre
asing order, the hand and fingers, the ankle, the wrist, the knee, the elbo
w, the foot and toes, and the forearm were the most frequently examined loc
ations, The rate of abnormal findings was 25.7% for the hand and fingers, 9
.0% for the ankle, 42.5% for the wrist, 9.5% for the knee, 33.3% for the el
bow, 18.3% for the foot, and 43.2% for the forearm. When only the direct si
gn of fracture was taken into account, these rates decreased for the ankle
and knee to 2.6% and 1.9%, respectively, There was always a significant lin
k between the degree of clinical suspicion and the rate of abnormal radiogr
aphic findings. However, fewer than 50% of the cases with high clinical sus
picion of fracture were radiographically confirmed.
CONCLUSION. It appears necessary, especially in cases of lower limb trauma,
to evaluate clinical tests, including the implementation of the Ottawa ank
le rules, to reduce the number of unnecessary radiographic examinations, Th
is reduction will improve some parameters of children's quality of life and
will significantly decrease the cost of emergency care.