Background. Mycobacterium malmoense is a mycobacterium rarely described as
a human pathogen. We report the first case of cutaneous infection in an imm
unocompetent patient.
Case report. A 75-year-old woman presented with a cutaneous nodula on the b
ack of her left hand. Histology of the node biopsy showed non caseating gra
nuloma with giant and epithelioid cells. Acid-fast bacilli were isolated at
direct smear and after culture. Mycobacterium malmoense was identified. Th
e lesion has healed after surgery.
Discussion. Mycobacterium malmoense is an environmental mycobacterium isola
ted from soil and water. Typically, most patients with Mycobacterium malmoe
nse infections are old people with previously lung disease. A few cervical
lymphadenitis in children and rare cases of tenosynovitis of the hand have
been reported. Disseminated infections with cutaneous lesions have been exc
eptionally described in immunocompromised patients. Mycobacterium malmoense
is slow growing and its identification is hard, sometimes requiring molecu
lar analysis. Probably it's the reason why we present the first description
of a cutaneous infection in an immunocompetent patient. This case indicate
s that Mycobacterium malmoense is also a cutaneous pathogen.