A scanning t test of multi-scale abrupt changes is introduced by extending
the student t test,which detects the difference between two subsample means
. It is shown that this algorithm has not only the capacity similar to Haar
wavelet transform coefficient W(a,b) for detection of multi-scale abrupt c
hanges,but also gives the statistic significance threshold, which the wavel
et analysis can not do. The subsample size n (comparative to the scale para
meter a in W(a, b)) of the statistic t(n,j) may vary successively without l
imitation of integer power of 2 as in the wavelet transform for a discrete
series,so that the algorithm may detect any longer signal series like a sca
nner. However, this algorithm is not a decomposition tool because the secon
d momentum,the variance,is involved. In addition,a correction to the Effect
ive Degrees of Freedom (Ef) of t test is adopted for the dependency of an o
bservation series to be detected. A coherence detection of abrupt changes b
etween two signal series is carried out. The results of an application to h
istoric series (AD622 - 1470) of the maximum and minimum flood levels of th
e Nile River reveal objectively that there appears some abrupt changes in p
hase and out of phase on certain scales between the two series. The relativ
e dry and wet phases on around 0.5-1.5 century scale are further repartitio
ned following this detection. And these dry/wet phases coincide better with
historic records of catastrophe in Egypt found so far and are some improve
ments upon previous researches.