We examined the proposition that individuals with major depression make pre
dictions about future events relatively automatically and pessimistically,
reflecting use of ct future-event schema, white they also ruminate about th
e future. Depressed participants and nondepressed controls indicated whethe
r or not various positive and negative future events would happen to them o
r to an average other-either under a concurrent attentional load or no such
load-while their response latencies were assessed As hypothesized, depress
ives showed relatively greater automaticity in their predictions than did n
ondepressives, and a lack of optimism as well. More specifically, depressiv
es showed a smaller increase in response latency due to the introduction of
the attentional load than did nondepressives, suggesting relatively greate
r processing efficiency, and they also predicted reliably fewer positive ev
ents. Indeed, depressives also reported ruminating more about the future ba
sed on a recent distressing life event. Overall, the results extend researc
h on future-event schemas and automaticity (Andersen, Spielman, & Bargh, 19
92) from moderate to major depression and establish a link with future-even
t rumination.