In this Article, Professor Adler argues that child pornography law, intende
d to protect children from sexual exploitation, threatens to reinforce the
very problem it attacks. The Article begins with a historical claim: Our cu
lture has become preoccupied with child sexual abuse and child pornography
in a way that it did not used to be. The Article traces the rapid develop m
ent of child pornography law, showing that a cultural transformation in our
notion of childhood sexual vulnerability has coincided with the birth and
dramatic expansion of the law. Professor Adler then introduces various caus
al accounts of this chronological correlation between the regulation of chi
ld pornography and the growing crisis of child sexual abuse. First, she exp
lores the possibility that the burgeoning law of child pornography may invi
te its own violation through a dialectic of taboo and transgression. She th
en presents another reading of the relationship between child pornography l
aw and culture: The law may unwittingly perpetuate and escalate the sexual
representation of children that it seeks to constrain. In this view, the le
gal tool that we designed to liberate children from sexual abuse threatens
us all, by constructing a world in which we are enthralled-anguished, entic
ed, bombarded-by the spectacle of the sexual child.