This article, written by a Russian cultural historian, analyzes the concept
of "ideology" in the work of Clifford Geertz. and his role in understandin
g the figurative nature of ideology as a cultural system. The author compar
es Geertz's semiotic approach to culture with the semiotics of culture deve
loped by Russian theorists, particularly Yuri Lotman, showing the convergen
ce and divergence of the two different national traditions. This understand
ing of the nature and functions of ideology opens new possibilities for dis
cussing the tortured relations of ideology and literature, showing the way
fiction can affect the formation of ideological systems and influence pract
ical politics. The analysis is illustrated by examples from Russian politic
al life of the 1990s, when revolutionary changes demanded new sets of ideol
ogical metaphors that in their turn shaped the direction of events.