Performance of a priority-based dynamic capacity allocation suitable for wi
reless ATM systems is presented. The scheduling of ATM cell transmission in
each uplink TDMA frame is based on a priority scheme with priority given t
o real-time traffic over nonreal-time traffic. Real-time traffic exceeding
the uplink capacity is lost while nonreal-time traffic that cannot be serve
d is stored in a curse-in first-out (FIFO) queue. An analytical model is de
veloped to evaluate the tell loss ratio (CLR) of both real-time and nonreal
-time traffic. Aggregate voice, video, and data traffic is modeled by three
two-state Markov-modulated Poisson processes (MMPPs). Analytical results f
or different system capacities and various traffic loads and scenarios are
discussed. Simulation results with on-off sources and approximating MMPP so
urces are also presented.