Corporate adoption of information technology (IT) infrastructure is a criti
cal management issue that may be affected by national culture. Prior resear
ch has shown that dimensions of national culture affect development of nati
onal IT infrastructure as well as adoption and impact of IT applications. T
his study explores the impact of two dimensions of national culture (uncert
ainty avoidance and power distance) on the adoption of a type of IT infrast
ructure (frame relay). A multinational survey was carried out, and it yield
ed useable responses from 153 businesses from 24 countries. The results dem
onstrated that businesses from higher uncertainty avoidance countries were
less likely to adopt frame relay. A one-point increase in Hofstede's [15] u
ncertainty avoidance index for the country of incorporation was associated
with a 3% lower likelihood of adopting frame relay. Power distance was not
significantly correlated with adoption of frame relay, These results highli
ght the relevance of dimensions of national culture as factors affecting co
rporate adoption of IT infrastructure. Implications for practice and furthe
r research are presented.