Scintigraphic imaging of infection and inflammation is a powerful diagnosti
c tool in the management of patients with infectious or inflammatory diseas
es. Most infectious and inflammatory foci can be visualized accurately with
radiolabeled autologous leukocytes. However, preparation of this radiophar
maceutical is laborious and requires the handling of potentially contaminat
ed blood. Nowadays, a few radiopharmaceuticals are available that could rep
lace radiolabeled leukocytes, such as: Ga-67-citrate, Tc-99m-IgG and Tc-99m
-labeled antigranulocyte antibody preparations. Furthermore, various agents
labeled with Tc-99m are currently developed for this application: chemotac
tic peptides, cytokines and liposomes. Here, the characteristics and the di
agnostic potential of established and experimental radiopharmaceuticals for
infection and inflammation imaging are reviewed.