This paper demonstrates a method to elucidate potential erosivity (PE) of c
liff strata that fall within the radar shadow of European Remote Sensing (E
RS) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. ERS-1 imagery of cliff faces in
Israel's Negev Desert that faced 'away' from the satellite look direction
contained alternating grey/black stripes that corresponded to the sedimento
logical units that make up the cliffs. High return values or digital number
s (DN) relate to gently sloping surfaces with softer lithologies that yield
higher rates of weathering. Conversely, lower return values (DN) represent
steeper surfaces with harder lithologies that yield a slower rate of weath
ering. Backscatter and Z-score values were extracted from the image to deri
ve an index of PE for strata at the feature and sub-feature level. This met
hod may be used to determine relative erosivity of cliff strata, compliment
existing geological mapping techniques and refine topographical representa
tion of cliff faces in existing digital elevation models (DEMs).