Coping with stressful episodes during competitive events is a common occurr
ence in spout. Surprisingly, attempts to understand the coping process in s
port has received only scant attention in the sport psychology literature,
and is absent with respect to the Asian culture. According to the extant li
terature in general psychology, the coping process may be similar between c
ultures. Cultural differences are more apparent, however in the preferred u
se of selected coping strategies. Similar cultural differences have been fo
und between western countries, however, this area remains unexplored with r
espect to Asian countries. The purposes of this article are: ja) to provide
a conceptual model for coping with acute stress in sport, (b) to highlight
possible cultural differences in coping preferences following sport-relate
d stressful events from a theoretical perspective, (c) to indicate implicat
ions for improving coping skills of athletes, and (dl to suggest future dir
ections in coping research for improving our understanding of the coping pr
ocess in sport contexts.