This article reports a project aiming to assess the effectiveness of clinic
al nurses employed in support roles for students in clinical practice in on
e UK higher education institution and its linked NHS Trusts.
Focus groups and telephone interviews were used to collect data from the cl
inical support nurses themselves, senior nurse managers and pre- and post-r
egistration students.
Findings show that personal commitment to the role was high and that these
support staff made a valuable contribution to up-to-date clinical input int
o classroom teaching.
Managers also valued the university-clinical link role fulfilled by these s
Students had mixed opinions, pre-registration students having had little ex
posure to this kind of support and post-registration students often not reg
arding clinical support as necessary because of their own existing clinical
experience and expertise.
For clinical support staff themselves, the role was a busy one and they oft
en experienced conflict and role overload in balancing the education and cl
inical sides of their work.
Necessary improvements for functioning of the roles were identified, includ
ing having regular meetings between university and NHS managers and support
teachers for liaison purposes, joint appraisal, and formal support mechani
sms for role occupants.
The overall conclusion drawn is that the roles were successful in bridging
the theory-practice gap for the University and NHS Trust managers, but less
so for students, and that they did this at some personal cost for role hol