A preview controller to be able to prepare a plant with the future informat
ion for external disturbances will guarantee better performance to suppress
their effects. A design approach far the optimal H-infinity preview contro
ller in the discrete-time domain is given. The preview and feedback control
ler are simultaneously designed to minimize the wet-st case RMS value of th
e regulated variables when the bounded unknown disturbances and the preview
able disturbances hit the dynamic plants. Thus, a state feedback controller
and the related preview controller are derived in this design, even though
problem formulation and solving art algebraic Riccati equation are based o
n the full-information H-infinity controller design scheme. The performance
of the proposed preview controller is simulated with a rolling stand of th
e tandem cold mill in the steel-making works. The objective of the control
system for the rolling stand is to minimize thickness error of the exit str
ip and tension variation between stands simultaneously. The entry strip thi
ckness to the stand and the roll gap variation are considered as previewabl
e disturbances, since they can be measured and estimated. The future inform
ations of these physical variables are utilized in the preview controller t
o suppress their effects an the exit strip thickness and the inter-stand te
nsion. The simulation results shows that the H-infinity preview controller
is effective to satisfy the requirements for the thickness and the tension.