Background and Aims: Gastrin(17)gly acts as a growth factor for the colonic
mucosa. Studies on the binding properties of the receptor involved in tran
sducing the proliferative effects have generally been confined to colorecta
l carcinoma cell lines, and no investigation of gastrin(17)gly receptors on
normal colonocytes has yet been reported. The aim of this study was to inv
estigate the binding of I-125-[Met(15)]-gastrin(17)gly to normal colonic cr
Methods: Crypts were released from normal rat and rabbit colonic mucosa by
treatment with EDTA and isolated by centrifugation. The binding of I-125-[M
et(15)]-gastrin(17)gly was measured in displacement experiments with increa
sing concentrations of either gastrin(17)gly, gastrin(17) or gastrin recept
or antagonists. The concentrations required for 50% inhibition were determi
ned by the use of curve fitting.
Results: I-125-[Met(15)]-Gastrin(17)gly bound to both rat and rabbit crypts
, and displacement experiments with unlabeled gastrin(17)gly revealed that
the IC50 values were 1.0 +/- 0.6 and 0.6 +/- 0.2 mu mol/L, respectively. Bi
nding was also competed by gastrin(17), with IC50 values of 2.4 +/- 1.7 and
2.4 +/- 0.7 mu mol/L, respectively. Binding was inhibited by the non-selec
tive gastrin/CCK receptor antagonists proglumide and benzotript, but not by
the cholecystokinin (CCK)-A receptor antagonist L364 718, or the gastrin/C
CK-B receptor antagonist L365 260.
Conclusion: We conclude that the gastrin(17)gly binding site on normal colo
nic crypts has properties consistent with the gastrin/CCK-C receptor. (C) 2
001 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.