The nature of the discrepancy between short-term pharmacokinetic data (hour
s) on the one hand and long-term pharmacodynamic effects and the clinical l
atency of therapeutic amelioration on the other hand by tricyclic antidepre
ssants is still unclear. A relapsed sensibilization of neuronal, immunologi
c, and endocrinologic systems by changes in receptor sensitivity has been p
roposed. However, the discrepancy may have a strong influence on many aspec
ts of antidepressive therapy in humans. The aim of our study was to demonst
rate long-term pharmacodynamic effects by single-dose antidepressive treatm
ent in humans by measuring heart rate parameters in response to neurochemic
al parameters. 25 young healthy probands, divided into three treatment grou
ps (amitriptyline, n = 10; clomipramine, n 10; placebo, n = 5), were challe
nged by a noradrenaline infusion test at baseline and one and 21 days after
a single dose of antidepressant. Heart rate and blood pressure as well as
plasma levels of antidepressants and of noradrenaline and adrenaline were m
easured in response to noradrenaline infusion test. Noradrenaline infusion
rate to reach an increase in blood pressure of RR > 30 mmHg was significant
ly decreased for both antidepressants on day 1. The same effect was true fo
r the amitriptyline group on day 21. Furthermore, pretreated probands respo
nd to antidepressants in a different way when compared to untreated proband
s. Like depressed patients under therapy they respond with a dramatic incre
ase in sensitivity of the al-adrenergic receptor. We could demonstrate that
the long-term pharmacodynamic effects have a strong influence on antidepre
ssive therapy. A prolonged pharmacodynamic effect influences further clinic
al studies as well as our thinking about adverse drug effects. In clinical
studies, washout periods may be to short to overcome the benefits of a prev
ious medication. Adverse drug effects are often seen during periods when dr
ugs were changed. The negative effect may be due to an additional effect of
both medicaments.