The effect of the ergodic divertor on the plasma edge in Tore Supra is to e
nhance the perpendicular transport through ergodization of the magnetic fie
ld lines [Ph. Ghendrih et al., Contrib, Plasma Phys. 32 (3&4) (1992) 179],
Nevertheless? the hot spots observed on the divertor plates during ergodic
divertor operation indicate that the cross-field transport driven by the fl
uctuations is still playing an important role, although measurements by CO2
laser scattering and reflectometry show a decrease of the turbulence level
[J. Payanl X. Garbet, J.H. Chatenet et al., Nucl. Fusion 35 (1995) 1357; P
. Beyer. X. Garbet, P. Ghendrih, Phys. Plasmas 5(12)(1998)4271]. In order t
o gain more understanding, fluctuation level and poloidal velocity have bee
n measured with a reciprocating Langmuir probe biased to collect the ion sa
turation current (j(sat)) and with a CO2 laser scattering diagnostic. Thoug
h the relative fluctuation level behaves as previously observed at low dens
ity, a new interesting result is that this picture is gradually modified wh
en the density is increased. Both diagnostics observe an increase of deltan
/n with density in the ergodic region, which is not the usual behavior obse
rved in limiter configuration. This increase is detected on both sides of t
he E-r inversion radius and is therefore also affecting the plasma bulk. Fi
nally, the confinement time is found to follow an L-mode law at all densiti
es indicating that the ergodic divertor does not change the global confinem
ent properties of the plasma, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights res