The development and application of a multistate empirical valence bond (MS-
EVB) model for a weak acid dissociation and subsequent proton transport in
aqueous solution is described. The weak acid dissociation step is modeled b
y the inclusion of an additional EVE state describing the case when proton
is bound to the acid's conjugate base. The model was parametrized for the i
midazolium cation deprotonation. Classical molecular dynamics simulation me
thodology was used to study both equilibrium and dynamic properties of this
system. Free energy profiles of the deprotonation reaction, studied using
a novel center of excess charge reaction coordinate, reveal the need to inc
lude several solvation shells around the weak acid in order to stabilize th
e hydronium species formed upon the weak acid deprotonation. The solvent at
omic density plots examined at selected points along the proton transfer co
ordinate display a relatively large reorganization of the solvent around th
e weak acid molecule, caused by the shift in the weak acid molecule atomic
point charges caused by the deprotonation. Finally, since the concentration
of the weak acid in the system under study is low, its presence has only m
imimal effect on the solvent diffusion and on the transfer dynamics of the
excess proton in the water solution after the weak acid dissociation step.