During the past several decades, reduction in fat intake has been the main
focus of national dietary recommendations to decrease risk of coronary hear
t disease (CHD). Several lines of evidence, however, have indicated that ty
pes of fat have a more important role in determining risk of CHD than total
amount of fat in the diet. Metabolic studies have long established that th
e type of fat, but nor total amount of fat, predicts serum cholesterol leve
ls. In addition, results from epidemiologic studies and controlled clinical
trials have indicated that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat is
more effective in lowering risk of CHD than simply reducing total fat cons
umption. Moreover, prospective cohort studies and secondary prevention tria
ls have provided strong evidence that an increasing intake of n-3 fatty aci
ds from fish or plant sources substantially lowers risk of cardiovascular m
ortality. In this article, we review evidence from epidemiologic studies an
d dietary intervention trials addressing the relationship between dietary f
ar intake and risk of CHD? with a particular emphasis on different major ty
pes of fat, n-3 fatty acids and the optimal balance between n-3 and n-6 fat
ty acids. We also discuss the implications of the available evidence in the
context of current dietary recommendations.