Hydroxyapatite, Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2), doped with 0.3 to 5.0 mass% Na3PO4 as
external sintering aid was studied by transmission electron microscopy. De
nsification of the powder blend was performed by hot-pressing at 1200 degre
esC for 30 min. The overall microstructure of the material was composed of
homogenous, equiaxed hydroxyapatite grains with an average size of about 1.
5 mum. Apart from the matrix grains, a sodium-plus calcium-containing secon
dary phase, beta -NaCaPO4, precipitated at triple pockets of few hundred na
nometer scale. The occurrence of this precipitated phase was typically acco
mpanied by microcrack formation. Microcrack opening typically occurred at o
ne edge of the three or four visible phase boundaries. It should be emphasi
zed that nearly all of the secondary phase pockets revealed such a microcra
ck. The microcrack formation process is likely to be governed by two intera
cting material characteristics the thermal expansion mismatch of the adjace
nt phases and the interface bonding strength.