This 3 year prospective study evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of
abdominal ultrasonography and color Doppler ultrasonography in 31 neonates
with suspected malrotation or malrotation with volvulus. Water instillation
was used to detect duodenal dilatation, edema, and malrotated bowels. Twen
ty patients with ultrasonographic characteristics of inversion of the super
ior mesenteric artery and superior mesenteric vein were later surgically pr
oved to have malrotation. Nine of these 20 patients also had volvulus. Sono
graphic features suggestive of volvulus included duodenal dilation with tap
ering configuration (8 of 9 cases, 89%), fixed midline bowel (8 of 9 cases,
89%), whirlpool sign (8 of 9 cases, 89%), and dilation of the distal super
ior mesenteric vein (5 of 5 cases, 100%). The sensitivity and specificity o
f duodenal dilation with tapering configuration for detecting volvulus were
89% and 92%, respectively; of fixed midline bowel, 89% and 92%; of whirlpo
ol sign, 89% and 92%; and of dilation of distal superior mesenteric vein, 5
6% and 73%. The results of this study indicate that ultrasonographic featur
es of inversion of the superior mesenteric artery and superior mesenteric v
ein could aid in the diagnosis of malrotation, and certain sonographic feat
ures can also be used to evaluate volvulus, a condition requiring emergent