The spectral density is an important quantifier of the texture that, in tur
n, can be related to biophysical magnitudes. In this manner, it can be used
to establish the kind of target being under observation. Some estimators f
or the spectral density of the return in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ima
ges are studied using Monte Carlo experiences. These SAR images are contami
nated by a particular kind of noise, called speckle, that does not obey the
classical hypothesis of being Gaussian and of entering the signal in an ad
ditive manner requiring, thus, a careful treatment. There art: two approach
es to the problem of the presence of speckle noise, one being the use of te
chniques for its reduction (using specially devised filters) and the other
the proposal of methodologies that take its presence into account. Both app
roaches will be used here, to the problem of estimating the spatial correla
tion structure of the ground truth under the presence of speckle noise. The
performance of these estimators will be assessed using Monte Carlo experie
nces, since the problem is analytically intractable.