The Russulales consists of agaricoid, gasteroid and hypogeous gasteroid tax
a of basidiomycetes closely related to Russula and Lactarius. Because there
have been no molecular phylogenetic studies of the Russulales, attempts at
formulating a natural classification for these taxa have met with difficul
ty. In this study, nuclear large subunit rDNA (n-LSU) was used to infer phy
logenetic relationships among members of the Russulales including agaricoid
, tropical pleurotoid and annulate taxa, and gasteroid and hypogeous gaster
oid genera. Analysis of the n-LSU region indicated that Russula sensu stric
tu (excluding gasteroid and hypogeous gasteroid taxa) can be considered pol
yphyletic with two well supported groups, one group arising separately from
the main body of the tree and one group basal to Lactarius. Russula sensu
late can be considered paraphyletic with gasteroid and hypogeous gasteroid
forms nested in the same clades alongside agaricoid taxa. Lactarius sensu l
ate was found to be a monophyletic group that includes agaricoid, gasteroid
and hypogeous gasteroid taxa. Gasteroid and hypogeous gasteroid genera wer
e scattered throughout the order, with Macowanites, Gymnomyces, Cystangium
and Martellia nested within Russula, while Zelleromyces and Arcangeliella g
rouped within Lactarius. Most of the gasteroid and hypogeous gasteroid gene
ra appear to be polyphyletic and their position was supported within establ
ished infrageneric taxa of Russula and Lactarius. These results suggested t
hat synonomy of gasteroid genera into Russula and Lactarius is justifiable.