The Kyoto Protocol permits countries to meet part of their emission reducti
on obligations by cutting back on gases other than CO2 (ref. 1). This appro
ach requires a definition of trade-offs among the radiatively active gases.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has suggested global warming
potentials for this purpose(2), which use the accumulated radiative forcin
g of each gas by a set time horizon to establish emission equivalence. But
it has been suggested that this approach has serious shortcomings: damages
or abatement costs are not considered(3-10) and the choice of time horizon
for calculating cumulative radiative force is critical, but arbitrary(5). H
ere we describe an alternative framework for determining emission equivalen
ce between radiatively active gases that addresses these weaknesses. We foc
us on limiting temperature change and rate of temperature change, but our f
ramework is also applicable to other objectives. For a proposed ceiling, we
calculate how much one should be willing to pay for emitting an additional
unit of each gas. The relative prices then determine the trade-off between
gases at each point in time, taking into account economical as well as phy
sical considerations. Our analysis shows that the relative prices are sensi
tive to the lifetime of the gases, the choice of target and the proximity o
f the target, making short-lived gases more expensive to emit as we approac
h the prescribed ceiling.