It was attempted to systematically elucidate three aspects of acidic and ne
utral rosin sizing. These were (a) the relationship between sizing efficien
cy and the retention behavior of rosin sizes at the wet end, (b) the effect
of pulp beating and fiber fines on the size distribution and sizing proper
ties of paper, and (c) the distribution characteristics of rosin size on pu
lp fiber surfaces in internal paper sizing. Pyrolysis-GC and the oxine extr
action method were used to determine the retained amounts of rosin size and
aluminum in the paper. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and SEM-EDXA (en
ergy dispersing X-ray analyzer) were employed to evaluate the distribution
of rosin size on the pulp fiber surfaces.
Under neutral to alkaline conditions neutral rosin and acid rosin sizes yie
lded distinctly differing sizing effects. The results depended to a great d
egree on the chemical stability of rosin particles and the retention effici
ency of each type of sizing agent under the wet-end conditions of papermaki
ng. Pulp beating and fiber fines influenced the size distribution and sizin
g properties of paper. Both pulp beating and the existence of fiber fines w
ere considered as important contributing factors leading to the observed un
even rosin size distribution. Furthermore. the rosin size was unevenly dist
ributed on the fiber surfaces not only for freeze-dried paper. but also for
cured paper, and its distribution was similar for both types of papers and
correlated to that of aluminum. A continuous rosin size film could not be
formed even after drying by heating. It is proposed that an uneven aluminum
distribution on fiber surfaces can be a root cause of non-uniform sizing w
ith rosin.