The application of Fermi Molecular Dynamics (FMD) to the modeling of the ph
otoionization of atoms by a short pulse of long wavelength laser radiation
is examined in detail. Depression of the single ionization threshold to val
ues of the electric field strength below the classical over-the-barrier thr
eshold, a common occurrence in FMD, is shown to arise from the preexcitatio
n of bound electrons into a continuum of unphysical low-lying excited state
s. A connection is made to analogous calculations performed with the quantu
m Hamilton-Jacobi equation, in which the time-dependent quantum potential (
Q) plays a role similar to that played in FMD by the so-called Heisenberg p
otential (V-H). Replacement of V-H by Q in the MD equations of motion resul
ts in a large reduction in the number of excitations to unphysical bound st
ates, while producing no essential change in the photoionization probabilit
y. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.