Milankovitch-scale alternations in Maastrichtian hemipelagic strata from Oc
ean Drilling Program Hole 1050C (Blake Nose) provide a natural experiment o
f paleoceanography and foraminiferal paleoecology in a tropical/subtropical
greenhouse ocean. Cycles are 30-50 cm thick and thought to reflect the sim
ilar to 21 kyr precessional cycle. High planktic delta O-18 values are corr
elated with high planktic but low benthic delta C-13 values, indicating tha
t cooler and/or more saline surface waters were associated with higher prod
uctivity. High-productivity intervals are also characterized by high Ca con
centrations; enrichment in feldspar and kaolinite; and high relative abunda
nce of Heterohelix spp., Globigerinelloides spp., and Laeviheterohelix glab
rans, Conversely, low-productivity intervals have low planktic delta O-18 v
alues; high Fe and Ti concentrations; enrichment in quartz, illite, and chl
orite; and relative increases in Globotruncana spp, and Pseudoguembelina sp
p. Potential forcing mechanisms for observed covariation include cyclic var
iation in water column stratification, variation in continental nutrient fl
uxes, and changes in the intensity of upwelling.