This paper presents a detailed study of thin Co films grown directly, seque
ntially, and by codeposition with Si on the (root 3x root3)-R30 degrees sur
face of 6H-SiC(0001). The structure, chemistry, and morphology of the films
were determined using x-ray absorption fine structure, x-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Fo
r directly deposited Co films (1-8 nm) graphite layers form on top of the f
ilm surface during annealing, whereas Co stays mainly unreacted over a temp
erature range of 300-1000 degreesC. The formation of CoSi2 is achieved by s
equential and codeposition of Co and Si. Films annealed at 550 degreesC are
polycrystalline and further annealing to 650 degreesC causes no C segregat
ion, but there is islanding of the films. Attempts to improve film morpholo
gy and homogeneity including applying a template method and varying growth
temperature are also reported.