The periodic swarming of bacteria is one of the simplest examples for patte
rn formation produced by the self-organized collective behavior of a large
number of organisms. In the spectacular colonies of Proteus mirabilis (the
most common species exhibiting this type of growth), a series of concentric
rings are developed as the bacteria multiply and swarm following a scenari
o that periodically repeats itself. We have developed a theoretical descrip
tion for this process in order to obtain a deeper insight into some of the
typical processes governing the phenomena in systems of many interacting li
ving units. Our approach is based on simple assumptions directly related to
the latest experimental observations on colony formation under various con
ditions. The corresponding one-dimensional model consists of two coupled di
fferential equations investigated here both by numerical integrations and b
y analyzing the various expressions obtained from these equations using a f
ew natural assumptions about the parameters of the model. We determine the
phase diagram corresponding to systems exhibiting periodic swarming, and di
scuss in detail how the various stages of the colony development can be int
erpreted in our framework. We point out that all of our theoretical results
are in excellent agreement with the complete set of available observations
. Thus the present study represents one of the few examples where self-orga
nized biological pattern formation is understood within a relatively simple
theoretical approach, leading to results and predictions fully compatible
with experiments.