Measurements of the cross sections for open chasm and beauty production ingamma gamma collisions at root s=189-202 GeV

Acciarri, M Achard, P Adriani, O Aguilar-Benitez, M Alcaraz, J Alemanni, G Allaby, J Aloisio, A Alviggi, MG Ambrosi, G Anderhub, H Andreev, VP Angelescu, T Anselmo, F Arefiev, A Azemoon, T Aziz, T Bagnaia, P Bajo, A Baksay, L Balandras, A Baldew, SV Banerjee, S Banerjee, S Barczyk, A Barillere, R Bartalini, P Basile, M Batalova, N Battiston, R Bay, A Becattini, F Becker, U Behner, F Bellucci, L Berbeco, R Berdugo, J Berges, P Bertucci, B Betev, BL Bhattacharya, S Biasini, M Biland, A Blaising, JJ Blyth, SC Bobbink, GJ Bohm, A Boldizsar, L Borgia, B Bourilkov, D Bourquin, M Braccini, S Branson, JG Brochu, F Buffini, A Buijs, A Burger, JD Burger, WJ Cai, XD Capell, M Romeo, GC Carlino, G Cartacci, AM Casaus, J Castellini, G Cavallari, F Cavallo, N Cecchi, C Cerrada, M Cesaroni, F Chamizo, M Chang, YH Chaturvedi, UK Chemarin, M Chen, A Chen, G Chen, GM Chen, HF Chen, HS Chiefari, G Cifarelli, L Cindolo, F Civinini, C Clare, I Clare, R Coignet, G Colino, N Costantini, S Cotorobai, F de la Cruz, B Csilling, A Cucciarelli, S Dai, TS van Dalen, JA D'Alessandro, R de Asmundis, R Deglon, P Degre, A Deiters, K della Volpe, D Delmeire, E Denes, P DeNotaristefani, F De Salvo, A Diemoz, M Dierckxsens, M van Dierendonck, D Dionisi, C Dittmar, M Dominguez, A Doria, A Dova, MT Duchesneau, D Dufournaud, D Duinker, P Duran, I El Mamouni, H Engler, A Eppling, FJ Erne, FC Ewers, A Extermann, P Fabre, M Falagan, MA Falciano, S Favara, A Fay, J Fedin, O Felcini, M Ferguson, T Fesefeldt, H Fiandrini, E Field, JH Filthaut, F Fisher, PH Fisk, I Forconi, G Freudenreich, K Furetta, C Galaktionov, Y Ganguli, SN Garcia-Abia, P Gataullin, M Gau, SS Gentile, S Gheordanescu, N Giagu, S Gong, ZF Grenier, G Grimm, O Gruenewald, MW Guida, M van Gulik, R Gupta, VK Gurtu, A Gutay, LJ Haas, D Hasan, A Hatzifotiadou, D Hebbeker, T Herve, A Hidas, P Hirschfelder, J Hofer, H Holzner, G Hoorani, H Hou, SR Hu, Y Iashvili, I Jin, BN Jones, LW de Jong, P Josa-Mutuberia, I Khan, RA Kafer, D Kaur, M Kienzle-Focacci, MN Kim, D Kim, JK Kirkby, J Kiss, D Kittel, W Klimentov, A Konig, AC Kopal, M Kopp, A Koutsenko, V Kraber, M Kraemer, RW Krenz, W Kruger, A Kunin, A de Guevara, PL Laktineh, I Landi, G Lebeau, M Lebedev, A Lebrun, P Lecomte, P Lecoq, P Le Coultre, P Lee, HJ Le Goff, JM Leiste, R Levtchenko, P Li, C Likhoded, S Lin, CH Lin, WT Linde, FL Lista, L Liu, ZA Lohmann, W Longo, E Lu, YS Lubelsmeyer, K Luci, C Luckey, D Lugnier, L Luminari, L Lustermann, W Ma, WG Maity, M Malgeri, L Malinin, A Mana, C Mangeol, D Mans, J Marian, G Martin, JP Marzano, F Mazumdar, K McNeil, RR Mele, S Merola, L Meschini, M Metzger, WJ von der Mey, M Mihul, A Milcent, H Mirabelli, G Mnich, J Mohanty, GB Moulik, T Muanza, GS Muijs, AJM Musicar, B Musy, M Napolitano, M Nessi-Tedaldi, F Newman, H Niessen, T Nisati, A Nowak, H Ofierzynski, R Organtini, G Oulianov, A Palomares, C Pandoulas, D Paoletti, S Paolucci, P Paramatti, R Park, HK Park, IH Passaleva, G Patricelli, S Paul, T Pauluzzi, M Paus, C Pauss, F Pedace, M Pensotti, S Perret-Gallix, D Petersen, B Piccolo, D Pierella, F Pieri, M Piroue, PA Pistolesi, E Plyaskin, V Pohl, M Pojidaev, V Postema, H Pothier, J Prokofiev, DO Prokofiev, D Quartieri, J Rahal-Callot, G Rahaman, MA Raics, P Raja, N Ramelli, R Rancoita, PG Ranieri, R Raspereza, A Raven, G Razis, P Ren, D Rescigno, M Reucroft, S Riemann, S Riles, K Rodin, J Roe, BP Romero, L Rosca, A Rosier-Lees, S Roth, S Rosenbleck, C Rubio, JA Ruggiero, G Rykaczewski, H Saremi, S Sarkar, S Salicio, J Sanchez, E Sanders, MP Schafer, C Schegelsky, V Schmidt-Kaerst, S Schmitz, D Schopper, H Schotanus, DJ Schwering, G Sciacca, C Seganti, A Servoli, L Shevchenko, S Shivarov, N Shoutko, V Shumilov, E Shvorob, A Siedenburg, T Son, D Smith, B Spillantini, P Steuer, M Stickland, DP Stone, A Stoyanov, B Straessner, A Sudhakar, K Sultanov, G Sun, LZ Sushkov, S Suter, H Swain, JD Szillasi, Z Sztaricskai, T Tang, XW Tauscher, L Taylor, L Tellili, B Timmermans, C Ting, SCC Ting, SM Tonwar, SC Toth, J Tully, C Tung, KL Uchida, Y Ulbricht, J Valente, E Vesztergombi, G Vetlitsky, I Vicinanza, D Viertel, G Villa, S Vivargent, M Vlachos, S Vodopianov, I Vogel, H Vogt, H Vorobiev, I Vorobyov, AA Vorvolakos, A Wadhwa, M Wallraff, W Wang, M Wang, XL Wang, ZM Weber, A Weber, M Wienemann, P Wilkens, H Wu, SX Wynhoff, S Xia, L Xu, ZZ Yamamoto, J Yang, BZ Yang, CG Yang, HJ Yang, M Ye, JB Yeh, SC Zalite, A Zalite, Y Zhang, ZP Zhu, GY Zhu, RY Zichichi, A Zilizi, G Zimmermann, B Zoller, M
M. Acciarri et al., Measurements of the cross sections for open chasm and beauty production ingamma gamma collisions at root s=189-202 GeV, PHYS LETT B, 503(1-2), 2001, pp. 10-20
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Journal title
ISSN journal
03702693 → ACNP
Year of publication
10 - 20
SICI code
The production of c and b quarks gamma gamma collisions is studied with the L3 detector at LEP with 410 pb(-1) of data, collected at centre-of-mass en ergies from 189 GeV to 202 GeV. Hadronic final states containing c and b qu arks are identified by detecting electrons or muons from their semileptonic decays. The cross sections sigma (e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-)c (c) over barX) an d sigma (e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-)b (b) over barX) are measured and compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. The cross section of b production is measured in gamma gamma collisions for the first time. It i s in excess of the QCD prediction by a factor of three. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.