The selection of a suitable manufacturing process often involves considerin
g the complex coupling between characteristics of the design, the material
and the process. Whilst most materials can be well described by a common se
t of properties, enabling selection for a given design on the basis of thes
e properties alone, the same is only partially true for process selection.
The most discriminating characteristics of processes are often specific to
the class of process. For example, very different questions arise when sele
cting a casting process than when selecting a welding process, so the infor
mation needed to answer these questions is mostly specific to each process
class. Furthermore, the data and information needed to capture these charac
teristics can be strongly influenced by the class of material being process
ed there is limited scope for selecting a welding process for aluminium, or
steel, or polymers from a generic welding selector that does not have mate
rial-specific data. This paper considers the general problem of building se
lection tools for specific manufacturing "tasks". A task is defined as a su
bset of processes applied to a subset of materials. The goal is to identify
systematically the match between the requirements of the design and the ca
pabilities of processes. A methodology has been proposed for this task-base
d process selection which involves consideration of the attributes of the m
aterial, design and process which are relevant to the task in hand. Three l
evels of quantitative requirement-attribute coupling are identified for sel
ection at the task-level in design. Coupling involving only two or three at
tributes can be handled by construction of suitable task-specific process d
atabases. More complex interactions require a different approach, in which
modelling plays a key role in capturing the relationships between the desig
n features, the material behaviour during and after processing, and the pro
cess parameters. Modelling is interpreted here in its widest sense: from em
pirical rules and curve fits, to advanced statistical methods such as neura
l networks, to physically-based process models. The use of modelling opens
up great opportunities for making maximum use of sparse process data, for o
ptimum co-selection of material and process, and for providing the designer
with feedback on the likely influence of processing on the viability and c
ost of a design as well as indicating trial processing parameters. This rev
iew discusses the general issues with reference to a range of previously st
udied selection problems including aluminium casting, joining, welding, and
heat treatment of steels. The role of modelling in enhancing selection is
illustrated for cutting and welding of carbon steer, and future potential d
evelopments are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserv