Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely prescribed and us
ed, especially to treat patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthrit
is. Since their introduction as a therapeutic class, a large body of litera
ture has accumulated on the side-effects of these drugs. NSAIDs, through th
eir inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, can affect the renal and cardiov
ascular systems. However, the majority of reported side-effects are related
to the gastrointestinal (GI) system, and the occurrence of these GI events
adds significantly to the disease burden. Several factors have been identi
fied that contribute to the risk of an NSAID-associated CI event. However,
when considering risk, especially in clinical trials or observational studi
es, it is necessary to distinguish between baseline risk and NSAID-attribut
able risk, since this distinction can affect the results and conclusions of
the study; NSAID-attributable risk is present in subjects who have few or
no risk factors for upper GI toxicity. Safer NSAIDs, such as the new specif
ic cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, when targeted to the appropriate patient (i
.e. those with NSAID-attributable risk), should lead to improved outcomes a
nd reduced costs.