Several cloned disease resistance genes from a wide range of plant species
are known to share conserved regions with similar structural motifs. Degene
rate primers based on conserved sequences of the nucleotide binding site of
the genes RPS2, N and L6 were used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amp
lification from genomic DNA of two doubled haploid lines of Brassica olerac
ea. Sequences of amplified products were highly variable, but most of them
showed similarity to known disease resistance genes, including RPS5, RPS2 a
nd N, and to disease resistance gene-like sequences (RGLs) from different s
pecies. Primers based on B. oleracea sequences amplified five groups of RGL
s. Products were mapped through cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence assa
ys onto four different linkage groups of B. oleracea. PCR amplification fro
m cDNA and allele analysis indicated that four locus-specific RGL fragments
are expressed in cauliflower. Screening of a B, oleracea bacterial artific
ial chromosome library (BAC) with four B. oleracea RGL probes identified a
small number of clones, suggesting that the four RGLs may not be highly cop
ied. Screening of a BAC library of A. thaliana with the same probes identif
ied clones that mapped onto four different chromosomes. These map positions
correspond to known disease resistance loci of A, thaliana.