To rectify the historic lack of research on women's health and the exclusio
n of women front many significant clinical trials, regulations have been pr
omulgated requiring the inclusion of women and minorities in research studi
es. Acknowledging that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) mandate has
resulted in more inclusive research, the unintended consequences associated
with implementation of these regulations must also be explored. While the
requirements preclude the use of cost as a reason for excluding women and/o
r minorities, the additional funding necessary to recruit adequate numbers
of study participants has not been provided. Consequently, study recruiters
often face unacknowledged expectations and job pressures as they attempt t
o meet recruitment goals. White it is important to support the NIH mandate,
the additional stress imposed upon research study recruiters must also be
recognized. Focus groups with study recruiters from various backgrounds and
types of research provide an understanding. of the challenges recruiters f
ace when attempting tct recruit diverse populations of women into research,
and provide an understanding of the impact of recruitment goals on study r
ecruiters' job satisfaction.